Making the Invisible Visible

Making the Invisible Visible explores the language, form and narrative of congenital heart disease. The installation with 3D-printed models of congenital heart disease is accompanied by a soundscape, in which the voice of a mother narrating the experience of her child’s heart transplant is intertwined with medical language and MRI sounds. The MRI is an integral part of the care of these patients, as well as the source of the imaging data from which the 3D models are made. The piece was created during Under the Microscope (2016) Sofie's residency at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, with Dr Giovanni Biglino (Bristol Heart Institute) and sound artist Jules Maxwell. It was reconceived as a site sensitive installation in St Paul’s Church as part of Feel it Festival 2016. Also shown as part of the Culture, Health and Wellbeing conference 2017 and exhibited as part Bristol Biomedical Research Centre launch February 2018

Under the Microscope was created in partnership with GO Create! and the National Institute of Health Research Great Ormond Street Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR GOSH BRC).

The project is kindly funded by the Wellcome Trust, NIHR GOSH BRC, Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity and the Blavatnik Family Foundation.