Under the Microscope

Under the Microscope is an arts research project conceived and led by artist Sofie Layton. The work explores how children and their families interpret medical information and understand disease, and culminated in a series of exhibitions and installations made in partnership with clinicians, researchers, patients and their families at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) April 2015 – April 2016.

Heart Narratives are stories collected when working alongside patients and parents. The piece incorporates embossed hearts created with young people and parents from intimate, often one-to-one workshop sessions. (more about workshops here)

Under the Microscope was created in partnership with GO Create! and the National Institute of Health Research Great Ormond Street Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR GOSH BRC).

The project is kindly funded by the Wellcome Trust, NIHR GOSH BRC, Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity and the Blavatnik Family Foundation.